Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chapter 6 Beast from air


Marques Williams

Mrs. Ganesan


“Help us"


            I wish that Jack can stop acting like he did not do something like a prefect. He didn’t do anything to help us out. He made it worst for us. We can’t even leave yet. We could have left by now. Now we have to stay here and wait for another boat or a plane go by. I know God will get us out. Now we have to wait another month or so. I hope we get off this island and leave Jack. The way how he acts, he is not prefect. Thinking that he is the boss.


            Now Ralph should  to be in charge, not Jack, Ralph. Jack is demure at times. He said that Ralph is scared of everything. I know Jack was scared when they went to go find the beastie. Ralph was in front of the group. He led us there. Jack was in the back of the line. That’s how I know that Jack is lying. We all know it. All the biguns know.


            They said they need to go back to tell the other kids that Ralph and the crew will come back tomorrow. I was the one to raise my hand to go. 

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