Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chapter 12

Marques Williams
Perspective: Ralph

I can't keep hiding away from Jack and his crew. What do I do? There is nothing left. There is only me in this group. I want me and Jack to be friends to at least we get off this island. What else can I do. I want off this island. I think Jack is a major savage. There is nothing to do. I need to hide somewhere safe.  I need to hide in this ditch, it seem to cover pretty safe. I need to stay here so Jack or Roger doesn't know where I am.

I think Jack would had to be a savage for the way Jack whip them in to the tribe. I know he must be a devil. Roger has also made a noise when they find me and bring the hole tribe to come. I don't know, but I think its idiotic. They found me, I don't know how and burnt down my hiding place. I ran as fast as I can.

I fell and saw a marine right in front of me. Holding a gun. He wasn't holding it to me or anything. Jack appears with a stick in his hand running with it. I felt safe. Percival forgot where he lived, that's a first. I take responsibities on the island to claim it. The naval officer was mad because we killed 2 people on the island. It was Piggy and Simon.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Marques Williams

Mrs. Ganesan

Journal entry 10

Perspective: Simon’s ghost


            I can’t believe Jack and his tribe killed me. I never expected that coming. There was a aviator in the cave. I ran out and Jack and his tribe killed me. Now I’m going to see how everyone else is doing. There goes Ralph and Piggy. What are they doing, let me go see. I heard that Ralph and Piggy talking about the death over me. They were talking about what happened to me. They were talking about how Ralph and Jack saw me. I don’t think they saw me. They probably thought that it was the beastie. There isn’t a such thing as a “Beastie.” A beastie is the enter demon in their selves.


            Jack’s plan with Maurice and Roger was to disturber with Ralph’s tribe. They were planning that from the start. Only if I was there, I could have told Ralph what was going to happen. I do thank God for taking me to haven. The attack happened. Ralph’s tribe is in danger. Jack has a big tribe and Ralph has a small one. There is no way that Ralph tribe will win, but you just can’t give up hope.


            Jack is probably attack Ralph’s tribe again. I know when Ralph uses the conch. Almost no one will come. Lets see what happens next.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Charapter 9:

Marques Williams



            I saw the lord of the flies in my secret place. I know that Jack doesn’t care about anybody. The only thing he cares about is himself. He is a self center boy. That makes me want to hit him until he has some since. I don’t think anyone has since. I am starting to lose my mind. I went over to the part where was the LOTF at. I just sat there just looking at it. The LOTF was talking to me. That was awkward. I can’t believe that the flies would rather prefer the pig’s head instead of anything else. To me, that is just nasty. That was one of the most nastiest thing I would ever eat. I know that flies eat after thing that been dead and smell rotten. After I saw the pig’s head, I went up to where the dead aviator. I was scared. I walked slowly down walking backwards. My heart was pumping fast than the speed of light. I was scared. Jack lets in Piggy and Ralph to his party. He got some people to go get them food. Jack said that we don’t need the conch anymore. There was almost no one of Ralph’s side. There was only Piggy, Ralph and Samneric. At the end of the party, it starts to rain a lot, and they also chant kill the pig cut her throat and spill her blood. Simon runs down and say that that was the beastie when it was Simon.


            I don’t think it was any ones responsibilities because it was dark. I couldn’t blame anyone. They always talk about the beastie. That was the only thing they really talk about. No one is blamed for this murder. Every one helped because they where all scared.

Chapter 8 gift for the darkness

Marques Williams

Mrs. Ganesan



Scene 1: Jack runs away and make his own tribe


            Ralph called a meeting. The meeting was about the fire. All of us would have been gone by now, but Jack messed up and went to go hunt for a pig. Jack said that we can have a little fun. Jack also said that we need to stop listening to Ralph and stop obeying his orders. Most of the littluns went with Jack and Roger. Most of the people went with Jack because they wanted to kill a pig. There is nothing exciting about that. I can’t even find that fun to do. Jack ran across to start his own tribe. Jack turned evil. He became a savage. That’s why he started his own tribe. That’s all he wanted to do, was to kill a pig. They would have left by now. Jack wants to become in control. He didn’t want to listen to Ralph complaining about how they would have left by now. He doesn’t care at all. If Jack would have never told Percival that we weren’t going to leave. They might not theway that Jack is doing things. If they were still doing things that Ralph did it, they could have left. I can understand there pain. I really can’t because they are stranded on a island. Now that’s pretty bad. Jack wants to do everything his way. The way Ralph does it, is good. Jack just wants to hunt, that’s it. Jack was complaining that we don’t need shelter. He said we need meat. Shelter is more important than food, because they already had fruit. That’s pretty good. That’s how everything led up to Jack making his own tribe.

Monday, October 5, 2009

scene 3

Marques Williams




Scene 3: Lord of the flies talks to threatens Simon


            Simon was starting to loose his mind. He heard the pigs head talking to him. He must have gone crazy because he is on the island alone with some kids who are acting mental. The pig threatens him.  (The pig was not actually threatening him.) Simon wants to get off this island badly.


I could understand that. He was stranded for a while now. The pig was threatening him by saying he might do something really bad to others like killing. The pig said to forget all about. I don’t think that Simon forget about. He would probably actually do something.


            Simon walks away from the pig thinking that something might happen to him. I think he is going to do something. It might be good to others, but not him. Ralph or Piggy might not like it, but I know Jack would like it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chapter 6 Beast from air


Marques Williams

Mrs. Ganesan


“Help us"


            I wish that Jack can stop acting like he did not do something like a prefect. He didn’t do anything to help us out. He made it worst for us. We can’t even leave yet. We could have left by now. Now we have to stay here and wait for another boat or a plane go by. I know God will get us out. Now we have to wait another month or so. I hope we get off this island and leave Jack. The way how he acts, he is not prefect. Thinking that he is the boss.


            Now Ralph should  to be in charge, not Jack, Ralph. Jack is demure at times. He said that Ralph is scared of everything. I know Jack was scared when they went to go find the beastie. Ralph was in front of the group. He led us there. Jack was in the back of the line. That’s how I know that Jack is lying. We all know it. All the biguns know.


            They said they need to go back to tell the other kids that Ralph and the crew will come back tomorrow. I was the one to raise my hand to go.